A Partial List of Satisfied Clients

Bonneville Power Administration
-- Computer Programming and Development Contract
Synergy provides Requirements Analysis services for the Slice, Unit Outage, and Scheduling Computer Project projects. 
  • Slice Project: Currently performing Requirements Analysis Activities, User Interface Design, Software Design, and Software Testing tasks.
  • Unit Outage Project: Perform Requirements Analysis for the Unit Outage Project that includes Business Requirements, Vision of the Solution, Scope and Limitations, Business Context
  • Scheduling Computer Project (completed):  The primary responsibility is to document User Requirements for software projects under development within BPA.
Synergy Consulting Inc., a leader in software solutions and service for Energy Efficiency and Renewables Industries.
Consulting Overview
Project Management
Requirements Definition
System Design
Software Development
Software Testing
Technical Support


Our reputation is based on strong partnerships
-- Pacific Northwest Hydropower Database And Analysis System 
Synergy is currently in the third contract with Bonneville Power Administration to provide engineering and computer services in support of the Pacific Northwest Hydropower Database and Analysis System Development and Maintenance. The database is a cooperative effort between Bonneville Power Administration, Northwest Power Planning Council, North Pacific Division of the U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers, and the four states of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. It was created to develop and maintain an inventory of existing and potential hydropower projects in the Pacific Northwest region.
Northwest Power Planning Council
 --Conservation & Renewables Discount Tracking and Reporting 
    Web-Based System --
see Solutions
Bonneville Environmental Foundation
-- Business & Technology Consulting
Assisted Bonneville Environmental Foundation in a high level overview, identifying the processes, and identifying the data/information required to complete the sales of Green Tags, with particular emphasis on the systems for selling Green Tags via the internet. Includes but is not limited to the establishment and information required for account management, reporting, billing and collections, customer service and managing customer communications. Scope of work includes interviews with BEF staff that will result in a written report, with suggestions and recommendations for developing and improving related systems.
-- Web-Based Development
Bonneville Environmental Foundation wished to create an Inventory Tracking System (System) for its Green Tag Program. The main goal of the System is to create an audit trail for auditing compliance. The initial release version of the System will be a simple user interface to input supplier information, access the customer information, and generate a report. The System will be developed as an Intranet Web-Based system that can be accessed using an Internet browser.
OHKA America, Inc
-- XML Project and Access Programming
Synergy was selected to convert OHKA’s EDI system to XML based as mandated by their vendor, Intel. This process involved modifying the existing system to create the dataset, creating the XML file in the format required by the XML Schema, creating a link to Intel’s server, and transmitting the XML file. This project was completed in record time with the fewest errors.



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